EP-45 | Week 5

Welcome to our “Get Out with God” podcast.  We are Rick and Kristine Ingraham, founders of The Viking and the Lioness Ministries, Inc. Our mission is to encourage people to “Get Out with God” in order to begin to heal, become whole and live well… spirit + soul + body.

We hope that this podcast blesses you with the Word of the Lord and serves as bite-sized encouragement as you clear the clutter, quiet the noise, and draw closer in your relationship with the Lord. 

In Episode 45 - Week 5 of our “Journey to the Spirit”, we dive into the next set of “Nutrients” in the fruit of the Spirit discussed by Paul in ⁠Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV⁠.

Dear brothers and sisters, 

As we continue this six-week “Journey to the Spirit” we look at “Gentleness”, and “Self Control” as the next “nutrients” of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Do you realize that the Gentleness and Self Control nutrients of the Fruit of the Spirit are already inside of you? And that the Spirit which produces those qualities in you is ONE Spirit, the Spirit of our heavenly Father? That may sound like a dumb question, but really evaluate your opinion of God… Do you know that your heavenly Father is the definition of gentle, and sets the bar in Self Control as well? Those qualities inside of you ARE His essence… He truly IS gentle and He has complete self control at all times.

Join us on today’s episode of “Journey to the Spirit – Week 5” as we dive into these topics, and have an in-depth discussion on “Gentleness” and having control over one's self as well. Discover how you can begin to walk in the Spirit and how the more you put that into practice, the more you will begin to know God and recognize His Spirit living within you! We encourage you to download and print our FREE companion study guide with in depth notes, scriptures and worksheet printouts for your use <-HERE-> . It contains several worksheets that will help you walk this out in your daily life.

Daily Scripture: 

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” ⁠Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV⁠


In His precious love,

Shalom shalom (perfect peace)

Rick & Kristine Ingraham - The Viking & The Lioness
The Viking & The Lioness Ministries, Inc.

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